How Many Plans Does My Business Need?

Planning is important to any business. Every business should have three key marketing plans; a marketing plan, a content marketing plan and a social media plan.

What is the difference between each?

Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is your strategic plan for marketing your business. It includes your brand and product strategies, who you are targeting and what you are going to do to achieve your goals (PR, content, advertising etc). 

 While it outlines your overall plan, it doesn’t go into detail about when and how you will implement these marketing activities which is why you need a content plan and a social media plan.


Content Marketing Plan

A content marketing plan outlines your topics and the type of content you will produce (blogs, videos, live streams etc) and where and how you will publish and promote this content.


Social Media Plan

A social media plan outlines your strategy and specific objectives for each social media platform you have outlined in your marketing plan. It should detail how often you will post and how you will use that platform to support your broader business.


By having these three plans in place, you will have a good foundation for setting your business up for success.


If you would like assistance with developing any of these three plans, please contact Absolute Marketing Communications via email.